2020 History and Genealogy
Sixth, Complete Edition 2020
In October 2010 this book made its debut in the form and size of the old Silver Books from 1886, 1900 and 1926 – 310 x 230 mm (12 x 9”). The hardcover in blue linen is stamped on the front and the spine in silver and is reminiscent of the book from 1980.
This new book SB2020 is some 680 pages thick and is split between a historical section about the foundation with 75 pages in three chapters followed by the section with genealogical data.
Chapter 1 describes the time between 1791 (founding) and 1926. It is the time in which the family foundation was administered by the state and it is first at the end of the 19th century through the vision of our cousin Dr. Wilhelm Sack [30/3] (1822 – 1896) that it became an ordered family union. Through his and his daughter Gertha’s efforts, the first Silver Book was published (SB1886) as well as the family magazine Die Taube came into being. Additionally, invitations to the first family reunion held in the fall of 1886 were made attended by 131 eligible members and 528 were represented by mandate. The author of this chapter is Brigitte v. der Osten-Sacken [12/5111.1]. She is familiar with the history and was our chairperson from 1986 until 2005.
In chapter 2 the period from 1926 to the present day (2008) is described. Through inflation, the foundation was robbed of its capital, and its financial attraction diminished, the attempt was made to substitute material values with ideals. This period was marked by ups and downs and it was first in 1955 through Hans Sack [35/6421] that it was revived. The history of the 20th century can be well reconstructed via the Die Taube. This chapter was authored by our cousin and longtime editor of the Die Taube, Ruth Harder-Haeckel [12/3163.3], with the usual attention to detail as with the Taubenregister.
The third chapter is in English and describes the conditions and experiences of the descendants of Philipp Wilhelm Sack (Rothenhof line) who emigrated to the USA during the middle of the 19th century. Flora von Roeder [24/8471] is herself a descendant in addition to being a well-informed historian. Besides her own family, names like Kleberg, Engelking, Zarazin, von Rosenberg, Ploeger, and many others, are to be found.
In the second part, the genealogical data of the extensive foundation family is presented on 600 pages. Cousin Marianne Pflaum [10/1335.21E] has been collecting the data of over 21,500 persons in more than 7,666 families since 1994 in a genealogical data bank and prepared it for this edition of the SB. About 8,000 living relatives are known who have spread themselves across the world. About 4,000 were born in Germany and about 3,500 persons are American citizens. The other roughly 500 persons are spread across the rest of the world. A detailed register of names makes searching for the listed persons easier whilst the ‘Sacks’ can be found via their first names. A comparison table of SB numbers to the consecutive numbering of the old Silver Books makes finding them quickly in the old sources faster.
600 pages, 310 x 230 mm
Hardcover, blue linen embossed in silver in a matching hard sleeve
As a descendant of Simon Heinrich Sack, you will want to cherish the possession of this wonderful handmade book.
The price shown is a donation to the Sack Family Foundation (charitable) towards the printing costs.
100,00 €